Held every summer since 2006...

2016 Workshop Date: Saturday June 11, 8:30am-4:30pm

(UPDATE: 2016 was the last year for my popular Sheep School and Lambing School workshops. They've evolved into a more personalized format. If you're looking to explore or improve your shepherding skills, consider scheduling one-on-one Consulting or Mentoring or a customized Farm Immersion with me.

This daylong workshop is designed specifically for beginning small-scale sheep farmers, whether you're just considering raising sheep or have already started your flock. You'll get a broad overview of all aspects of keeping your small flock healthy, happy, and productive using organic and sustainable methods. You'll also get up-close and hands-on with the sheep as you learn and practice some of the basic sheep care procedures.

A SkyLines Romney ewe nurses her chunky twin lambs.

Discussion Topics
- Overview of SkyLines Farm's operation
- Management principles and practices for maintaining superb sheep health and avoiding drug use
- Feeding sheep
- Managing rams
- What a healthy happy sheep looks like and how to tell when something's wrong
- Basic sheep health care - dealing with minor wounds, internal & external parasites, hoof care
- Simple and functional sheep facilities - barns, sheds, gates, feeders, water
- Rotational grazing principles, advantages, and equipment
- Using Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs) for predator-friendly flock protection

Hands-On Activities
- Low-stress sheep handling - moving sheep, restraining sheep
- Condition scoring sheep (how to tell if this walking ball of wool is thin, fat, or perfect)
- Drenching sheep with garlic (or chemical wormers if you choose) for internal parasite control
- Trimming hooves
- Where and how to give shots if they're needed

Farm Tour
The day will include a guided walking tour of the farm. We'll view and discuss:
- Examples of fencing styles and materials...woven wire field fencing, portable electric, rigid panels, fence charging systems
- Deciding on pasture divisions for rotational grazing
- Determining how often to move sheep to fresh pasture - Low-stress method of moving the sheep to fresh pasture (this is fun!)
- Plus you'll meet all of the critters...the team of Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian dogs, the cattle, pastured pigs...and of course the sheep!


Leading the SkyLines flock down the runway from pasture #13 to pasture #1,
to begin another grazing rotation.


SkyLines workshop participants say...

Thank you for the day of inspiration and education! What a great way to get the "real scoop" on how to raise healthy happy ewes and lambs, run a sustainable business, and make decisions in line with your dreams and your priorities.You're a rock star!
Melissa Radloff, Sustainable Ag/Small Farms
University of Idaho, Moscow ID

Thank you, thank you for an AMAZING day at your farm. I left full of new knowledge and truly inspired. I really appreciated the flow of the day, it felt jam packed, but not rushed. And it felt like you were totally attentive to each of our questions and individual interests. I learned so much watching you with your animals, perhaps as much as I did listening to you teach. I especially enjoyed the hands on work with the sheep and the farm tour. It was particularly valuable for me to see a small scale organic operation. It was amazing to see the intimacy that you have with your sheep and your land. And it was really inspiring and enlightening to see what a strong, smart, passionate woman can do on her own! I feel empowered and excited by your work. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and experience. I am so grateful!
Lindsay Warshaw, Missoula MT

I wanted to thank you for the clinic. I feel that I learned a lot. I appreciated your down to earth and realistic approach to your farm and am eager to apply some of the principles that you practice...such as breeding for a healthy flock through a critical selection process. I look forward to another clinic that would cover pasture management and rotation.
Joel Steele, St. John WA

Thank you for providing this opportunity. I seldom get to be around other sheep people so very much enjoyed the time spent at your farm. I am ordering some new electric fencing supplies because after seeing your gorgeous and healthy sheep I feel more divisions of pasture must be done here. I will also use your garlic wormer. Last year I started using DE with my salt & minerals per your web page. Which, by the way, is VERY helpful. Most of all, I admire and respect your managerial skills!! You have done it all yourself and I am in awe of your capabilities. Also enjoy your web page and thankful you are so willing to share your information. Thanks again for a most enjoyable and informative day. I will change my procedures based on what I learned at your workshop.
Judy O'Brien, Weippe ID

Thank you for an excellent workshop! I learned far more than I could have through just reading books and websites. Your hands-on approach is very helpful for those of us with no real experience, but a desire to pursue shepherding.
Stephen Martin, Tensed ID

* Registration fee $100/person including lunch and reference materials. Two people registering and paying together $180/two.
* Nonrefundable deposit of $50/person/workshop to reserve your spot.

Space is limited to ensure a quality hands-on experience, so be sure to reserve your spot early. Email me for more info or to reserve.



SkyLines' Angus

SkyLines Farm employs working
Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dogs.
Please leave your dogs at home.

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SkyLines Farm of Idaho
4551 Highway 6, Harvard, Idaho 83834
(In beautiful northern Idaho, south of Coeur d'Alene & north of Moscow)
208/875-8747, Email